Sunday, February 22, 2009


I just made another Blog! Yes, I'm hugely proud of myself! It's actually about the cars from twilight, so you go ahead and check it out!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Quote 1

Page 194, Eclipse

I kept my voice as even as possible. "Tell me something-what does Tanya look like?"
"Just like the rest of us- white skin, gold eyes, "He aswered too quickly.
"And, of course, extraordinarily beautiful."
I felt him shrug.
" I suppose, to human eyes," He said, indiffrent. "You know what though?"
"What?" My voice was petulant.
He put his lips right to my ear; his cold breath tickled. "I prefer brunettes. "
"She's a blonde, that figures."
"Strawberry blond-not at all my type."

Friday, January 23, 2009

Twilight Quiz!!

Twilight Quiz!! U might know these questions but figure out how much u know about the first book!

1. How many times a year did Bella say it rained in Phoenix?

a. About 10 times
b. About 20 times
c. About 4 times
d. About all the time

2. What car is Rosalie driving?

a. BMW
b. Mercedes
c. Ferrari
d. Audi

3. In what class does Bella sit next to Edward?

a. Trig
b. Spanish
c. Calculus
d. Biology

4. What is Reneés new husbands name?

a. Charlie
b. Phil
c. Jared
d. Paul

5. What kind of car does Bella drive?

a. A Chevy
b. A Volvo
c. A Volkswagen
d. A Toyota

6. How many people are in the Cullen family?

a. 5
b. 9
c. 7
d. 4

7. What is Jaspers "abilety"?

a. He is very strong, even for a vampire
b. He controls the emotions of the people around him
c. He can read peoples thoughts
d. He has no abilety

8. What is Edwards favorite animal to hunt?

a. Bear
b. Mountain Lion
c. Indian Tigers
d. Deer

9. When was Edward born?

a. 1901
b. 1884
c. 1918
d. 1967

10. What color does the Cullens house have?

a. blue
b. red
c. yellow
d. white

1-c, 2-a, 3-d, 4-b, 5-a, 6-c, 7-b, 8-b, 9-a, 10-d


Well, you would probably know all about twilight if you made the effort of coming here... But Oh Well here's another twilight blogg... I might write some quotes from the book that might be enyojable or cute, maybe upload some pics too... Just so you're prepared I like using the three dots:P Watch ot for quizzes too:D